April 12th-10:00a.m. – Easter Egg Hunt on the Pineville square
April 19th – Arbor Day- 6:30 p.m.
May 1st-10th- Brush pickup
May 10th-City Wide Yard Sale
May 17th – TBD
May 17th- Spring Cleanup
May 17th- Tire drop off at the lot across from Myers Park (City of Pineville Residents only) 9a.m. -10 am
May 17th- Movie on the Square-
June 7th- Summer Bash
June 21st- Movie on the Square-
July 5th- TBD
October 11th- Fall Festival 10:00a.m.- 4 p.m.
November 11th- Veterans Day Program
December 6th- Lighted Christmas Parade- 5:30p.m.