The 1938 film of Jesse James was filmed in and around Pineville, Mo. The courthouse square in Pineville, a paved thoroughfare, is covered with 400 truck loads of dirt and every tract of modern civilization has been removed from business buildings to turn back seventy years of time to provide the proper James gang setting. There were many people from the area that were hired for “Extras”. Every year to celebrate the movie being made here we have Jesse James Days, which consists of Arts and craft booths set up around the old Square, a cook shack, a Frisbee throw nightly for the kids (which will have prizes attached to them), a Parade, a B-B-Q Chicken Dinner, nightly Music, and many, many more events that are too numerous to mention. The money that is raised goes to the Pineville Fire Auxiliary to operate on for the next year. For more information please feel free to contact jessejamesdaysmo@gmail.com. The event this year is August 14th-17th. They are currently taking vendors please contact them by email or on their Facebook page.